
Fast, accurate and convenient diagnostic imaging—such as MRIs and CT scans—are a vital step in diagnosing many medical conditions.  Thanks to St. Mary’s Medical Center’s EOS Ultra Low Dose 2D/3D Imaging System, your child’s imaging experience can be greatly enhanced. The EOS system allows for both full-body and localized imaging done in either a standing or seated position.  

We know that having an MRI can be scary for kids.  That’s why our team is specially trained to help children get through the necessary imaging tests that will help their doctors determine the best diagnosis and plan of care. We do all we can to make it a relaxed - and maybe even fun - experience, so your child can focus on being a kid and not a patient. 

If you have any questions about our diagnostic imaging services, please contact us.

Imaging appointments are available Monday through Friday between 8am and 7pm, and Saturday and Sunday between 8:30am and 12:30pm. To schedule your appointment, call (561) 881-2828.

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Newborn Crying

The first cries of a newborn baby are often music to the ears of parents. However, over the next weeks and months, this "music" can become grating and painful. This is especially true when all attempts fail to stop the crying.

Facts About Crying

  • Surprisingly, crying does not produce tears until after the first month or two.
  • Crying is the way babies communicate.
  • abies cry because of hunger, discomfort, frustration, fatigue and even loneliness.
  • Sometimes, cries can easily be answered with food or a diaper change.
  • Other times, it can be a mystery and crying stops as quickly as it begins.
You will soon learn differences in cries, from a cry of "I'm hungry" to "I've been overstimulated." It is important to respond to your baby's cries. Contrary to old wives' tales, young babies cannot be spoiled by being picked up when crying. Being held is reassuring and comforting when a baby cannot express him/herself any other way.

Some techniques to help console a crying baby include the following:
  • Take care of physical problems first – hunger, diaper change, burping, cooling, or warming the baby
  • Walk with baby in a sling or in a stroller
  • Rock your baby in a rhythmic, gentle motion
  • Try a baby swing or rocking cradle
  • Gently pat or stroke on the back or chest
  • Swaddling the baby
  • Go for a ride in the car
  • Turn on some white noise (such as a washing machine or vacuum cleaner)
  • Make "shushing" sounds for the baby
  • Offer a pacifier (or nurse)
No matter how frustrated you may become, NEVER SHAKE A BABY. This can cause severe injury to the baby's fragile brain. If you become angry or frustrated, allow someone else to take over for a while. If you are alone, put the baby down in a safe place, such as the crib, and go to another room for a few moments. This will give you time to collect yourself. Then you can return to your baby and try a different way to comfort your baby